A management system designed and developed by MSA-Multi Serass to deal with claims in all insurance branches. Natively multi-company, it is integrated with all databases and insurance industry (Ania, Consap, Ivass – AIA, Portfolio, tax registry, etc.) and interfaces with all portfolio systems on the market.
Conforms to ISO 27001 standards
Our information management system ensures safety, confidentiality and availability of sensitive company data and protects it.
Developed with a proprietary framework supporting all MSA-Multi Serass’s applications, it is a SPA (Single Page Application) written in React JS and based on Microsoft’s Fluent UI graphic framework. The backend application is based on REST services – Spring Framework. Security is at two distinct levels, managed with a combination of web session and JWT, and is implemented with the Spring Security framework. The database is controlled with the MyBatis ORM.
• Variety of segmentation variables (claim complexity, handlers area,...)